Design Texas Magazine

Every Practitioner and Industry Partner Representative member in good standing should receive a copy of the quarterly Texas chapter magazine, Design Texas.

If you are an ASID Practitioner, Educator, Student, or Industry Partner Representative and would like to submit an industry-related article or a noteworthy piece of news about you or your company for the next magazine, please send to Magazine Chair Michele Traylor, Student ASID, at

Content for upcoming Design Texas magazines is due by 12:00 noon on the following dates:

2024: Issue I – Winter

Friday, November 10, 2023 (distribution: late January 2024)

2024: Issue II – Spring

Friday, February 2, 2024 (distribution: late April 2024)

2024: Issue III – Summer

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (distribution: mid-September 2024)

2024: Issue IV – Fall – will not be published

Unfortunately, due to lack of ad sales, our chapter magazine will no longer be published after Issue III.

Recent Issues

2024: Volume 2

2024: Volume 1

2023: Volume 4

2023: Volume 3


Looking to connect with ASID Texas Chapter members?

We have print advertising opportunities in our Quarterly Magazine and Annual Roster, as well as digital opportunities in our monthly Chapter Enewsletter, for you to get your company front and center:

For more information, please contact the following representative from The Wyman Company directly:

Heather McMillen – 352.900.3011 |


Words and pictures can work together to communicate more powerfully than either alone.
-William Albert Allard, Photographer

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.
-Isaac Asimov, Scientist

Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success.
-Paul J. Meyer, Pioneer in the Personal Development Industry